Friday, November 11, 2011

And So It Begins...

This world is rough the man must be tough in order to make it - Johnny Cash
Welcome to the start of something new and exciting! Today is the day in which a blog is born where the voice of the gambling degerates or wannabees who want to learn about poker or whatever games they fancy (blackjack, pai-gow, strip poker whatever). Wheater you are playing with your friends in the basement (no pun intended), playing all alone on the computer (easy there on the keyboard buddy), or wanted to play in a casino table but too chicken to play, you control the topics here and discuss anything related to gaming casinos. Its your forum to discuss. I just provide a topic and my opinion about it. For those collective of gambler so called "experts" who would love to share their own opinions, this site would be for you to express your options about the poker or gambling world.
Ah but this blog is not just about gambling, its about going to these places to play in this games. Wheater if its a good deal on a hotels, shows, restaurants, the buffets, or just a great sightseeing places you want to share, this is the place to be to find that special deals on the web instead of signing up 50 players cards from different casinos or share with us your experiences. Plus upload some of your photos from your trip! (We would love to Photoshop bomb it and make fun of you!)
Last but not least I will update the degenerates of what happening in the poker or casino news around the world about our "stars" in the poker world.
Yeah that me alright.

So join me friends (feels like I am start a cult) and degenerates...welcome to the mad house of cards and gambling...

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